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Portfolio March 2024 Report and Apr 2024 Strategy


QTF price remains stable up to $8 insh, heard that in the telegram soon the ability to migrate positions to your fav broker will be released soon. still waiting for the wealth wallet.

AEVO token launched and RBN is playing catchup to AEVO price, can have an interesting play, buy RBN, short AEVO.

Eth, nothing more to add but just keep adding

Lychee protocol to launched sooooooon... haha, still waiting

K10K1M, VXAI have change to Tenchi, waiting it to relaunched, transition out of Kucoin and bought into CETI

Metaverse + Infra

Syntrophy remains stable around 0.25-0.29 insh


Looking at CETI and AGRS, and increase more tokens in NOIA at support levels

Need to farm for thetanuts token.


same as last month, using chainedge and also to find alpha, and exploring Tenchi and Metal


Hodl on to my realvision, AEVO and ROOT Nfts

Returns and Recurring Income

Has been stable


Bull market for Cryptos! but looking to transition to some safe plays, like TSMC, U, RBLX.

Apr Strategy

Stacked more NOIA, RBN, ETH when and where possible. Playing around in AEVO where coins are not availiable in Quantfury,

Portfolio Feb 2024 Report and March 2024 Strategy

Late again as it was an exciting month with much updates


QTF price remains spike up to $8 insh, hope they settle the Invicitus case soon, and the wealth wallet launch soon.

RBN price rises to $1 insh due to farming program and listing on BINANCE!

Eth, nothing more to add but just keep adding

Lychee protocol to launched soooon,

K10K1M, added lots of funds and some of the tokens moon, espically NOIA. Have diversified into HYPR and RSTK, VXAI. The portfolio is intended to focus on Depin, AI and Gaming coins for secular trend, while tactical will focus on AI trading, and probably playing with hummingbot soon. Will list portfolio of Quantfury soon.

Metaverse + Infra

Syntrophy is now in silverstone, so mainnet, and the support level is around 0.08-0.10 insh


Looking at MUBI and Ordiswap, and increase more tokens in NOIA at support levels

Need to farm for thetanuts token.


same as last month, using chainedge and also to find alpha, and exploring VXAI


Hodl on to my realvision, AEVO and ROOT Nfts

Returns and Recurring Income

Has been stable


Bull market for Cryptos!

OCT Strategy

Stacked more NOIA, RBN, ETH when and where possible.

Portfolio Jan 2024 Report and Feb 2024 Strategy

Preparing for CNY thus the late report


QTF price remains stable at 6insh.

RBN price rises and remains stable at 0.4-0.5 insh, AEVO token and farming program will be announced soon exicting times ahead

Eth, nothing more to add but just keep adding

no news for lychee protocol, just need to wait

K10K1M remains stable, averaging 20% in CAGR since last sep 2023

Metaverse + Infra

Syntrophy is now in silverstone, so mainnet, and the support level is around 0.08-0.10 insh


Looking at MUBI and Ordiswap, and increase more tokens in NOIA at support levels

Need to farm for thetanuts token.


same as last month, using chainedge and also to find alpha


Hodl on to my realvision, AEVO and ROOT Nfts

Returns and Recurring Income

Has been stable


Bull market for Cryptos!

OCT Strategy

Stacked more NOIA, RBN, ETH when and where possible.

Portfolio Dec 2023 Report and Jan 2024 Strategy

Happy New Year 2024! Exicting times for 2024-25. Hopefully can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


QTF price remains stable at 6insh, recently launch another 6 tokens for trading. Hopefully to see more volume and more QTD tokens

RBN price reamins stable at 0.30+ insh, looking for token migration to AEVO by end Feb

Eth, nothing more to add but just keep adding

no news for lychee protocol, just need to wait

Launched a side project known as K10K1M, details over here plus portfolio.

Metaverse + Infra

Syntrophy has blown past 0.08 cents, looking good this year, hope to see the mainnet lanuch and the fees for using syntrohy soon,


Narrative shifting to BTC ecosystem due to the halving as ETF approval. Looking at BSSB, MUBI and Ordiswap.


same as last month, using chainedge and also to find alpha


Hodl on to my realvision, AEVO and ROOT Nfts

Returns and Recurring Income

Has been stable


Bull market for Cryptos!

OCT Strategy

Stacked more NOIA, RBN, ETH when and where possible.

Portfolio OCT/NOV 2023 Report and DEC 2023 Strategy

my old changes were lost for oct and nov as i migrated over to this new website setup, forgotton to backup but oct and nov changes are the same.


QTF price move up to 6insh, hope the wealth wallet will lanuch soon.

RBN price went back up to 0.30insh, they will move to a new token AEVO and some whales are buying in the chainedge platform, they have grown quite fast and have a dedicated metrics page ->

Eth, nothing more to add but just keep adding

did sold off half of TRU but keeping at the moment, created a new portfolio which will concentrate of secular and tactical aspects of it, will reveal more in year end once some assets are shifted over.

ROOT has relanuched as lychee protocol due to being sued for the same brand root.

Metaverse + Infra

Syntrophy did announced a new whitepaper but not much into tokenomics and will have mainnet launched in Q1 2024, price have been inching up slowly, in the class of graph, and chainlink. Needs more adoption and marketing



same as last month, using chainedge and also to find alpha


Hodl on to my realvision, AEVO and ROOT Nfts

Returns and Recurring Income

Has been stable


have stopped as the narrative has changed in prepartion of the bull market next year for crypto

OCT Strategy

Stacked more NOIA, RBN, ETH when and where possible.