Portfolio Feb 2022 Report and March 2022 Strategy

Decided to do some housekeeping. Feb portfolio as follows:


GOMT, have let go GOMT cause was disappointed with progress and decided to change everything in HODL that have staking.

TRU price has continue in a sideways mode, pretty much expected. They have approved Alameda Research and Perpetual Protocol for the 3rd-party lending.

  • Alameda expected to borrow up to 750 million within 2022, see link
  • Perpetual expected to borrow up 100 million year within 2022, see link

Based on the 50 bips in protocol fees, expected fees will be 4.25 million. If TrueFi can target 10 billion of loans, the fees will be near 43 million and will be distributed to the Trupers...well... i hope so for the target instead of 1 Trillion.. haha

QTF price has remain steady in the 10-20 range

LOC price has dropped to 2+, almost to my breakeven level.

HYDRA price has slightly improved back to 8+ level, and the team has announced the ICO for changex.. not too fond.

BetU has been offering the casino NFTS which users can buy the tables, example a blackjack table and profit off the earnings, the mechanics is not exactly known but interesting and its a part of their roadmap. However, need 3 whitelisted referrals who hold 1k token each.

Esports will be integrated as well in March. Overall their development is lagged by 2-3 months which is pretty good in software development.

DFYN and ROUTER price been dropping :(

HBOT, have let go and move into RBN. Reason, there is no other utility for HBOT as of now other than governance, i'm sure they will improved the tokenomoics but have better use for RBN

RBN, the DOV which i discovered so late in the game after they have launched 1 year ago... oh well, hopefully, i am still early, will move a sizeable part of coins over.

bHome/Bacon, have been accruing BACON since jan, the unstake fees are too expensive, $300 in eth fees, will wait till BACON have a price


Decided not to go in NYM, but looking at FLUX. Still looking at PG since they going to release the planet sale but its a bit expensive. Downloaded the game, was ok. Looking at ThetaNuts as well.


Still going hyper-compound Matic(if possible), withdraw from Balancer pool cause Crypto market was dropping which affected my health ratio in AAVE, need to preserve my bank acct.

Returns and Recurring Income

My HODL portfolio for Feb has returned slightly over 100X, with 3 coins in the loss (averaging 50% drawdown) and recurring income is mid four-figure range but this will soon dropped in March 22 due to HYDRA airdrop finishing by then.

March Strategy

Stacked more TRU, BETU, MATIC, BETU, bhome, RBN when possible.

Continue with  INJ dex.