Portfolio July 2021 Report and Aug Strategy

July is a much calmer start since 1st half of 2021, refining strategy seems to be stable, see the following mindmap:


Pretty much the same.

GOMT is ending presale on Aug 24th, hopefully i can get some extra moolah to get the 20% bonus

TRU value has been fairly stable since the drop, will not add too much as the eth fees are crazy high again. Will probably add in after the ETH London upgrade which hopefully the fees will drop.

QTF value dropped and remain stable around the $5-6 range. I have faith the the team and Lev team always underpromised but overdelivered, the recent example is their web trading platform. The Quantfurians number is increasing and the volume perday is about 300-500mil.

LOC is still as solid as ever, been trying to market the product through google ads, doesnt seem to work so far with 3 additional affiliates. Will try facebook ads in Aug.

CAS has partner with Polygon but i don't fancy the news too much as the product delivery is spread out in Aug-Nov. Given their track record of overpromise and no delivery, can only stay hopeful and exit when there is FOMO.


Nothing has changed


Took out FISH as i am not comfortable with them, still will move assets over to hyper-compound Matic, invest in Balancer pool, and Adamant Pool for QI pool

Aug Strategy

Exploring Solstreet and Serum, have enrol into Solstreet competition and try out their platform. Impressed with Solstreet and their ecosystem which runs on Solana, using Serum as Dex for Solstreet platform.

Will still lookout to hypercompound Matic when the chance arises