Quantfury Token Sale
Recently found Quantfury through Crypto20 (which i sold off), a financial trading platform that targets retail trader with margin trading up to 20X, and the collateral that can be used is BTC, ETH, LTC (28th March); what's more interesting is that, there is no maker/taker fee, leverage fees, commissions which means retail traders can increase their profits without the spread risks.
Traders can trade across, equities, commodities, Cryptos, and fiat. The platform has an easy onboarding process and have rolled out since this year. The trading volume per mth is about 70-90 million per month.
What's more exciting is that we can buy the QFT tokens and get the spread revenues distribution per month which will be available for payout in May, similar to TradeIO. Have decided to invest in a small amount.